
CN: New Yard for Containers to Help Reduce Congestion in Toronto

blog | Jun 01, 2022

CN: New Yard for Containers to Help Reduce Congestion in Toronto

CN Brampton and Malport and CP Vaughn continue to have a high volume of import containers on the ground. This is causing additional lifts and therefore higher wait times inside the terminal.  

To help reduce congestion, as per tariff 9100, CN has been shuttling loaded import containers that are customs cleared, not temperature-controlled and without an appointment for pickup to CN-MISC. Paul’s Transport’s yard in Mississauga will also be used for this purpose. 

These extraordinary conditions are causing longer than normal wait times and possible delays in container deliveries. Our teams are working diligently to arrange container deliveries in a timely manner and to avoid any related additional charges*.  

Source: May 25th CIFFA Notice 


Please contact your Delmar representative for more information.


*Additional charges – Delmar is not responsible for any additional surcharges that may occur such as terminal shunting fees, truck waiting time, storage and demurrage fees, etc. 
