
CN Updates – Reduction of Storage Free Time

blog | Oct 04, 2022

CN Updates – Reduction of Storage Free Time

CN has announced updates to CN 6800 - Rules and Regulations for Rates and Acceptance of Intermodal Traffic and CN 9100 - Optional Services Intermodal Tariff, effective October 1, 2022. 
According to CN, the timely implementation of these changes is critical to minimize congestion and maintain network fluidity and throughput of containers in rail terminal facilities in anticipation of strong demand and volumes. 

Additionally, we would like to highlight the following critical update from the CN 9100 changes concerning the reduction of storage free time. 


6500: Storage of dry and reefer steamship units – Loads  

  • Montreal, PQ transferred to Group 1: free time reduced  from 48 to 24 hours and daily storage charges increase.   
  • Chicago and Joliet IL transferred to Group 4 (no change in free time): daily storage charges for these locations increase. 
  • Storage free time changes from 07:00 to 00:01 on the day after being deramped or placed in storage at the terminal. 
  • Storage start time changes from 07:00 to 00:01 after the free time ends. 

Source: CN  


For additional information and assistance, please contact your local Delmar Representative. 
