
CP and TCRC Agree to Enter into Binding Arbitration

blog | Mar 22, 2022

CP and TCRC Agree to Enter into Binding Arbitration

In a news release to CP customers from Executive Vice-President and Chief Marketing Officer John Brooks, it was announced that CP and TCRC – Train and Engine Negotiating Committee have reached agreement to enter into binding arbitration. 

Release Highlights:  

  • CP will immediately begin to execute a safe and structured start-up of its train operations in Canada. 
  • Effective immediately, CP has cancelled embargoes currently in place. 
  • CP’s 3,000 locomotive engineers, conductors, train and yard workers in Canada to return to work at noon local time on March 22, 2022. 
  • CP will work diligently with customers to safely restore normal service to their network as quickly as possible. 

Please visit CP’s website for more information.  
