
Notice of Preliminary Determination - Certain Small Power Transformers

blog | Sep 03, 2021

Notice of Preliminary Determination - Certain Small Power Transformers

On August 27, 2021, the Canada Border Services Agency, pursuant to the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), made a preliminary determination of dumping respecting certain small power transformers from Austria, Taiwan, and South Korea. 

The subject goods are usually imported under the following tariff classification numbers: 

  • 8504.22.00.20
  • 8504.23.00.00 
  • 8504.90.90.10 
  • 8504.90.90.82 
  • 8504.90.90.90 

Provisional duties will now be payable on the subject goods from Austria, Chinese Taipei and South Korea that are released from the CBSA on or after August 27, 2021. 

Additional information about this investigation is contained in a Statement of Reasons, which will be available within 15 days on the CBSA’s website.  

A copy of the complete notice can be found here:
