
Protests Continue to Result in Disruptions Along Canada – U.S. Border

blog | Feb 11, 2022

Protests Continue to Result in Disruptions Along Canada – U.S. Border

Truckers and their supporters are blocking access to major land ports of entry in protest of vaccine mandates. Major disruption is occurring at the Ambassador Bridge, the busiest crossing between Canada and the United States, which links Detroit and Windsor, Ontario. The protests began on Monday, February 7, 2022. 

The protests are resulting in decreased truck capacity, an increase in border crossing wait times and an increase in ground freight cost. Short-term disruption can be expected. 

The CBSA has diverted commercial traffic to Blue Water Bridge in Sarnia and other surrounding border crossings. For the most up-to-date information on border crossing wait times, visit the CBSA website

Delmar continues to monitor this situation closely. Additional information will be provided as it is made available.  
