U.S. FDA Issues Guidance for Cosmetic Facility Registration and Product Listing
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has shared additional draft guidance for importers, manufacturers and other parties involved in the cosmetics industry regarding facility registration and product listing with the agency. The latest guidance provided may be found here.
The guidance provided seeks to address questions importers and other parties may have related to any statutory requirements, responsibilities and what information may be included in such submissions.
Please note that the FDA further states, at this time, the guidance provided does not establish legally enforceable responsibilities, but shares the FDA’s current thinking and recommendations related to these topics.
Parties involved in the cosmetics industry and, specifically, those involved in the import or export of such products, are encouraged to review this information carefully. This is especially important given the possibility such guidance could form the framework for future regulatory requirements.
Delmar will continue to provide updates as additional information becomes available.
For additional information and assistance, please contact your local Delmar Representative.