
US Customs Adjusts Exclusion Thresholds for Section 232 Imports of Steel and Aluminum

blog | Jan 09, 2024

The US Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and Department of Commerce (DoC) has granted exclusion to the application of Section 232 tariffs (duties) and quota on certain imports of steel and aluminum products. 

A recent government review of these exclusions determined that some products were being imported in excess of the granted Section 232 exclusion quantities. 

To help better manage the accurate allocation of these exclusions and collect applicable duties, the US Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has announced that certain Section 232 exclusions will deactivate on a weekly basis once 95% of the quota allocation has been reached versus deactivating at 100% allocation. 

The Section 232 exclusions affected by this change are: 

  • Exclusions for non-quota countries (i.e. those subject to Section 232 duties) 
  • Exclusions for European Union (EU) countries that are subject to Section 232 steel tariff rate quotas (TRQs) 
  • Exclusions valid for multiple countries subject to both Section 232 duties and any quotas 

All other Section 232 exclusions will continue to deactivate once 100% of the quota allocation has been reached. When an exclusion is deactivated, any entry filed at that time will attract applicable Section 232 tariffs or duties. In the event an exclusion is deactivated at 95% quota allocation, importers may elect to file a Post Summary Correction (PSC) with CBP requesting a refund of duties paid subject to any remaining exclusion quantities being available. 

Questions regarding quota may be referred directly to the CBP Quota and Agriculture Branch at [email protected] 

Delmar will continue to provide updates as additional information becomes available. 


For additional information and assistance, please contact your local Delmar Representative.  
