Vancouver Operations Update as of November 25
Vancouver Operations Update as of November 25
Restoration work continues on rail and road infrastructure to re-establish key connections between the B.C. interior and the West Coast. Increased precipitation across southwestern B.C. is forecasted for the remainder of this week and over the weekend.
Rail operations – Four (4) trains have transited across CP’s mainline between Vancouver and Kamloops as of November 24. Additional CP and CN trains were expected to transit November 24 as well. All trains are operating in accordance with low-speed restrictions to enable monitoring of rail infrastructure in recently repaired areas. Intermittent closures to address repairs and ensure safe operations may occur.
Marine operations – Anchorage demand remains high across all vessel types. Anchorages are assigned in a manner that ensures fluidity across all ship types and maintains essential services.
Ground operations – Some corridors connecting Vancouver Lower Mainland to Interior B.C. and the rest of Canada have partially reopened for commercial vehicles. However, significant delays remain a possibility.
The provincial state of emergency declared by the British Columbia Minister of Public Safety remains in place.
Partial Source – Ciffa
Delmar will continue to monitor this situation and keep you informed of new developments as they unfold. In the meantime, we will continue to work on solutions to minimize the impact created by this extraordinary event.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We appreciate your cooperation in these difficult times.