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Simplifying the CARM Program

Facilitate the Release and Accounting of Your Goods with CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) as of October 2024

What is CARM? 

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) continues to accelerate its evolution and modernization through its CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project; completely transforming the agency’s import playbook for importers in logistics, transportation, finance, supply chain, procurement, risk and supplier and vendor relations. 

CARM is supported through a CBSA web portal, the CARM Client Portal, which all Canadian and non-resident importers are expected to have set up to continue to import into Canada. 

All functionalities of the CARM Client Portal will be available as of CARM Release 2 in October 2024. CARM Release 2 will introduce the Release Prior to Payment for all importers, a new CARM Commercial Accounting Declaration (CAD) that will change the way we declare goods, and the billing cycles will be harmonized.


Start Benefiting from CARM Today!  

With the implementation of CARM, importers can now streamline their cross-border trade operations and enhance overall compliance and efficiency. The benefits of CARM readiness can significantly contribute to the success and competitiveness of your business. 


Complete Your Registration on the CARM Client Portal   

How to Proceed    

Pro Tip: Have the CBSA Information Sheeton hand when registering your business on the CARM Client Portal.   

Step 1: Access and Register Your Business on the CARM Client Portal (CCP) 

You will need to complete the following steps. Please review the following CBSA document for helpful guidelines on how to register a business on the CCP. 

  • Create your GCKey on the CBSA website
  • Create your client profile
  • Register for multi-factor authentication
  • Register your business:
    1. Ensure the legal entity name and address match the registered information with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) 
      1. Retrieve a previous Notice of Assessment and confirm the legal name and address of your company
    2. Answer two (2) out of three (3) of the Affinity Questions
      1. The total amount of duties and taxes for an import accounting transaction accepted by the CBSA from 2017-09-18 to current”  
      2. Provide an exact amount of a payment that has been applied to your account since 2017-09-18"
      3. “Balance of a Statement of Account (SOA) back to 2017-09-18"

Step 2: Delegate Authority to Delmar International Inc. as Business Management on the CARM Client Portal (CCP) 

Please review the following CBSA document for helpful guidelines on how to delegate authority on the CCP.   

Additional Guidance

For more information, watch the following videos for a more detailed step-by-step process that should be followed to complete the delegation process.  



CARM Launch Postponed to October 2024 (April 23, 2024) 

The CBSA has announced on April 19, 2024, that the CARM launch, previously scheduled for May 13, 2024, is now postponed to October 2024. Learn more

The CBSA Clarifies Record-Keeping Requirements for Canadian Importers (February 24, 2023) 

Requirement for all importers to file a compliant BSF900 form as a condition of completing their CARM Client Portal registration. See new requirements 

CARM Release 2 Implementation Update (December 1, 2022)  

The CARM Experience Simulation (CES) will allow volunteers from the trade community to simulate CARM Release 2 business processes with CBSA business users in a non-production environment. Learn more  

CARM Release 2 Delayed to 2023 (March 16, 2022)  

The CBSA has announced that they do not intend to proceed with the implementation of CARM Release 2 any time prior to 2023. Learn more 

Update: CARM Release 1 – May 25, 2021(June 8th, 2021) 

Update of the upcoming changes and new functionalities in the CARM Client Portal. See updated functionalities.   

Reminder: CARM Release 1 – May 25, 2021(May 21st, 2021) 

Reminder of the upcoming changes and new functionalities in the CARM Client Portal. See new functionalities.  

Accounts Receivable Ledger (ARL) – Offsetting Entries on some Daily Notices (DN) and Statements of Account (SOA) (April 19th, 2021) 

The CBSA will be performing ARL account maintenance activities in preparation of the CARM Client Portal. See maintenance changes. 

Minimum Bond Requirement as of CARM Release 2(April 15th, 2021) 

As of CARM Release 2, each RM15 must have a minimum amount of $25 000 posted for the surety bond. See minimum bond requirement. 


Useful CARM Resource Links

CARM Quarterly - A Newsletter for Trade Chain Partners 

User Guide – Onboarding to the CARM Client Portal 

User Guide - Delegation of Authority in the CARM Client Portal 

CARM Solution Spotlight – Financial Security 

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Application for Daily Notice (DN) and Statement of Account (SOA) 

Information Sheet - Registering a Business on the CARM Client Portal 

Client Support: CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management 

CARM R1 Playbook 

User Guide - Financial Information and Payments on the CARM Client Portal  

User Guide - Managing Rulings 


Delmar’s On Demand CARM Webinars 

CARM 106: CARM Release 2 - Are You Ready? 

Join our Customs Brokerage experts to better understand the functionalities of the CARM Client Portal (CCP), how to register your business on the portal and delegate authority to Delmar. Learn more & watch!

CARM 105: CARM Client Portal Show & Tell + Open Mic Session

Join Delmar’s expert Canadian Trade Compliance Managers for a practical session on how to navigate the CARM Client Portal (CCP). Complete the actions needed to be taken by importers to be ready for CARM Release 2 and learn what changes are expected. Learn more!

CARM 104: How to Get Ready and What to Expect for CARM Release 2

On Demand Webinar: Hear from Delmar’s expert Canadian trade compliance managers on what actions need to be taken by importers to be ready for CARM Release 2 and what changes to expect. Learn more & watch!

FAQs: Have questions about Release 2? Browse through our CARM 104 FAQs webpage to find answers to common questions raised.

CARM 103: Basic Principles of CARM Release 2

On Demand Webinar: Joined by a special guest panelist from NFP Canada, Delmar’s Customs Brokerage specialists will take participants through the basic principles of CARM Release 2 in preparation for 2024. Learn about financial security, new billing cycles and accounting processes, bonds, and more. Learn more & watch!

FAQs: Have questions about the CARM Client Portal? Browse through our CARM 103 FAQs webpage to find answers to common questions raised.

CARM 102: Importers’ Guide to CBSA’s CARM Client Portal

On Demand Webinar: Join CBSA expert panelists and Delmar’s Customs Brokerage specialists as they take you through a step-by-step demonstration of the CARM Client Portal using video and screenshot presentations to simplify your CARM onboarding experience. Learn more & watch!

FAQs: Have questions about the CARM Client Portal? Browse through our CARM 102 FAQs webpageto find answers to common questions raised. 

CARM 101: Everything You Need to Know

On Demand Webinar: Learn from industry experts who will take you through changes from the launch of CARM to how they will affect Canadian resident and non-resident importers. Learn more & watch!

FAQs: Have questions about the CARM program? Browse through our CARM 101 FAQs to find answers to common questions raised.

Connect with a CARM Specialist
